Slow Cooker Desserts Recipes (Most Popular)

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Slow Cooker Chocolate Chip Bread Pudding (Vegan)

Good  3.6/5
(23 ratings)
Slow Cooker Chocolate Chip Bread Pudding (Vegan)

This is the perfect end to a dinner party, and the leftovers heat up great if it's just for you.

Basic Crock Pot Steel Cut Oats

Very Good  4.5/5
(19 ratings)
Basic Crock Pot Steel Cut Oats

This tastes like rice pudding. It can be eaten any time and you can add almost anything to it that you like!I would not have put it in the dessert category, but I could not find a category that was appropriate. It makes a great breakfast, but you can eat it any time.

Slow Cooker Apple Crisp

Good  3.6/5
(5 ratings)
Slow Cooker Apple Crisp

This recipe is an adaptation of one from Slow Cookers for Dummies. My whole family loves this and begs me to make it. Super easy!

Hot Fudge Crock pot Cake!

O.K.  2.0/5
(3 ratings)
Hot Fudge Crock pot Cake!

Yummy Hot fudge cake in your Crock pot

crock pot rice pudding

Very Good  4.5/5
(2 ratings)
crock pot rice pudding

home made yummy delight

Slow Cooker Bread Pudding

Very Good  4.5/5
(2 ratings)
Slow Cooker Bread Pudding

Chock-full of nuts, raisins and a hint of chocolate, this bread pudding makes a decadent breakfast treat or dessert.

Pumpkin Protein Muffin Cakes

Incredible!  5.0/5
(1 rating)
Pumpkin Protein Muffin Cakes

A classic twist on an ancient recipe

Peanut Clusters

Incredible!  5.0/5
(1 rating)
Peanut Clusters

Crock Pot Rice Pudding
Crock Pot Rice Pudding

This is taken from a recipe that I found. I changed some ingredients to make it more Spark-friendly.

Slow Cooker bread pudding
Slow Cooker bread pudding

Cut recipe in half for dessert size serving. Watch the pot after about 4 hours, you don't want this to dry out. This is an occasional indulgence, tweaked for extra fiber and protein with chia.

Crock Pot Paleo Fudge (chocolate PB)
Crock Pot Paleo Fudge (chocolate PB)

A delicious, SUPER easy Paleo treat that can also be vegan friendly!

Slow Cooker Paleo Berry Crumble
Slow Cooker Paleo Berry Crumble

Modification of original recipie found in Paleo Slow Cooking by Chrissy Gower ISBN: 1936608693

Crockpot Carrot Cake
Crockpot Carrot Cake

From Semi-Home Made with modifications

Apple cranberry overnight oats
Apple cranberry overnight oats

Creamy and delicious, this is a healthy morning porridge to add to the weekday arsenal.

Microwave pancake
Microwave pancake "cupcakes"

quick and easy sweet treat! can easily be made healthy with stevia, almond/skim milk, whole wheat pancake mix, and egg substitute

Apple Crumble
Apple Crumble

Paleo Slow Cooking, page 232

Berry Crumble
Berry Crumble

Paleo Slow Cooking, page 234

Slow Cooker Soy Rice Pudding
Slow Cooker Soy Rice Pudding

This is a great low-fat, vegan, lactose & sugar free treat. Great for dessert, or even for breakfast!

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