Fish Recipes (Most Popular)
This is a recipe that I devised to get my son to eat fish. He calls it Golfish Casserole. I call it yum, yum....
this version doesn't have mushrooms, because I'm not a fan, but you can definately add them if they're something that you like
From Called for sea scallops, but I used bay scallops since that's what I had in my freezer. It also called for 1 1/2 Tbsp. butter, but I am dairy-free.
Makes about 4 single-fillet servings. Serve with a steamed vegetable such as spinach or asparagus and atop rice or couscous. (Nutrition info is for fish only, not sides.)
This is a cheap and easy recipe and is one of those "use up stuff lying around" recipes that turned out to be a pretty good one so I thought I'd share it with ya'll. I used it like a taco meat substitute.
A light and healthy form of the old favorite lassagna. Even the children love it.
This is an easy little lunch that can be whipped together with just a couple canned and frozen ingredients and a few sprinkles from your spice cabinet.