Drinking lime or lemon in water helps your body maintain its correct Ph balance, resulting in optimal health and weight.
Basic Weightloss, build lean muscle , get healthy shake.
So indulgent you will savor every sip!
This little addition to your water can make it much easier to get your 8 glasses in a day.
Start your day with a lighter version of a coffeehouse favorite.
Courtesy of the NLHB, part of the National Institutes of Health and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services www.nhlbi.nih.gov
Fluffy, low cal, low fat, yummy pancakes
For all you chocoholics & cake addicts out there...I love this recipe with a cup of tea and that's my fix for the day.
Nom nom nom. This recipe is delicious and amazingly healthy for how it tastes! Adapted from http://www.instructables.com/id/Mug_Brownie/.
This is a much nicer, summery version of water.... for when drinking water by itself gets a little dull.
Modified very very heavily from a Health magazine recipe
Pakistani dish adapted for better health
Recipe from Women's Health Magazine. A Family Favorite!!
Raw dressing...great for your health and immune system
from Harvard Health Institute
Sweet tea is an ever-present drink that (even though it has sugar in it) is better than pop or other premade drinks.
Sweet green breakfast shake
Drink your veggies!Printed with permission from the American Institute for Cancer Research
Delicious creamy drink for after school or work.
Just like drinking a slice of pumpkin pie!
Fruit and yogurt blended into a thick drink, perfect for a healthy breakfast.
drunk chicken with rice
Quick, easy, and delicious, this refreshing drink is also packed with calcium and protein.
Yummy cold coffee drink
Drink or Slush
A Refershing Drink for the Summer
Three different melons make a refreshing drink anytime of the day.
A sweet and fruity rum drink that's perfect for the holiday season!