(311 Recipes)

Water Recipes

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From the SparkRecipes Kitchen

Bacon-Wrapped Water Chestnuts (Rumaki)

Good 3.4/5
(20 ratings)
Bacon-Wrapped Water Chestnuts (Rumaki)

A healthier, updated take on the '70s party food classic. These are quick to prepare and easy on both your wallet and your waistline.

CALORIES: 19.5  |  FAT: 0.4g  |  PROTEIN: 1.5g  |  CARBS: 1.4g  |  FIBER: 0.7g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Bacon-Wrapped Water Chestnuts (Rumaki) Calories

Member Recipes for Water

Cucumber Spearmint Water

Very Good 4.6/5
(15 ratings)
Cucumber Spearmint Water

This little addition to your water can make it much easier to get your 8 glasses in a day.

Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Cucumber Spearmint Water Calories
Spa Water

Very Good 4.6/5
(31 ratings)
Spa Water

A refreshing twist on water for people who hate water

CALORIES: 3.6  |  FAT: 0g  |  PROTEIN: 0.2g  |  CARBS: 1.2g  |  FIBER: 0.5g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Spa Water Calories
Lime Water

Very Good 4.5/5
(4 ratings)
Lime Water

Drinking lime or lemon in water helps your body maintain its correct Ph balance, resulting in optimal health and weight.

CALORIES: 1.2  |  FAT: 0g  |  PROTEIN: 0g  |  CARBS: 0.4g  |  FIBER: 0g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Lime Water Calories
Sassy Water

Very Good 4.0/5
(6 ratings)
Sassy Water

This a recipe used in the Four Day Anti Bloat Jump Start for the Flat Belly Diet Plan

CALORIES: 4.7  |  FAT: 0.1g  |  PROTEIN: 0.3g  |  CARBS: 1.8g  |  FIBER: 0.7g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Sassy Water Calories
Lemon juice water (with chia seeds and water)

Good 3.5/5
(2 ratings)
Lemon juice water (with chia seeds and water)

Step to Health weight loss water made with chia seeds, water, fresh lemon juice and grated ginger.

CALORIES: 25.1  |  FAT: 1.5g  |  PROTEIN: 1.1g  |  CARBS: 3.4g  |  FIBER: 1.8g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Lemon juice water (with chia seeds and water) Calories
Breakfast smoothie w/coconut water

(no ratings)
Breakfast smoothie w/coconut water

Standard go to breakfast option

CALORIES: 323.2  |  FAT: 19.9g  |  PROTEIN: 14g  |  CARBS: 27.2g  |  FIBER: 6.4g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Breakfast smoothie w/coconut water Calories
Lemon water

(no ratings)
Lemon water

Slice lemon and put it into water. Left overnight in fridge. Drink it right after wake up

CALORIES: 4.3  |  FAT: 0.1g  |  PROTEIN: 0.3g  |  CARBS: 2.3g  |  FIBER: 1g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Lemon water Calories
Quinoa on butter cooked with water

(no ratings)
Quinoa on butter cooked with water

Customize with whichever spices you like. I prefer sumac and dried garlic

CALORIES: 145.8  |  FAT: 4.7g  |  PROTEIN: 4.2g  |  CARBS: 22.1g  |  FIBER: 2.2g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Quinoa on butter cooked with water Calories
Pork Stirfry with Green BeNs & Water Chestnuts

(no ratings)
Pork Stirfry with Green BeNs & Water Chestnuts

Quick meal!

CALORIES: 95.3  |  FAT: 0g  |  PROTEIN: 2.1g  |  CARBS: 16.1g  |  FIBER: 2.9g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Pork Stirfry with Green BeNs & Water Chestnuts Calories
Slim down water

(no ratings)
Slim down water

They say you can lost 3 kilos in 3 days...just drink one glass before each meal.

CALORIES: 8.5  |  FAT: 0.1g  |  PROTEIN: 0.4g  |  CARBS: 2.5g  |  FIBER: 0.8g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Slim down water Calories
Bacon Wrapped Water Chestnuts

(no ratings)
Bacon Wrapped Water Chestnuts

This is an appetizer my ex-mother in law made. NOT good for you, but I ate them and now I need to track them.

CALORIES: 62.5  |  FAT: 4.2g  |  PROTEIN: 2.8g  |  CARBS: 3.5g  |  FIBER: 0.7g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Bacon Wrapped Water Chestnuts Calories
Hot Chicken Salad Casserole with water chesnuts

(no ratings)
Hot Chicken Salad Casserole with water chesnuts

This is one of my comfort food casseroles. With chicken, water chesnuts, sliced almonds, hard boiled eggs...good source of protein, not listed on the ingredients I add 1 tsp Curry powder & a sprinkle of ground mustard.

CALORIES: 258.8  |  FAT: 10.1g  |  PROTEIN: 18.8g  |  CARBS: 24.2g  |  FIBER: 2.6g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Hot Chicken Salad Casserole with water chesnuts Calories
Strawberry Lemon Water

(no ratings)
Strawberry Lemon Water

Naturally flavored water. Its great for cleaning your liver and boosint your metabolism.

CALORIES: 11.6  |  FAT: 0.2g  |  PROTEIN: 0.4g  |  CARBS: 4.4g  |  FIBER: 1.7g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Strawberry Lemon Water Calories
Smoothie, plain Warrior Whey, cocoa and Water

(no ratings)
Smoothie, plain Warrior Whey, cocoa and Water

Low in calories, carbs and fat

CALORIES: 92.4  |  FAT: 1.7g  |  PROTEIN: 17.1g  |  CARBS: 4.9g  |  FIBER: 1.8g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Smoothie, plain Warrior Whey, cocoa and Water Calories
Water Lily Green Smoothie - HCG Raw/vegetarian friendly!

(no ratings)
Water Lily Green Smoothie - HCG Raw/vegetarian friendly!

A lily pad green smoothie that tastes like a creamy banana shake and is loaded with nutrients. I make this without ice for a cool, but not cold smoothie, which aids in digestion.

CALORIES: 124.9  |  FAT: 0.5g  |  PROTEIN: 11.8g  |  CARBS: 20.3g  |  FIBER: 4.5g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Water Lily Green Smoothie - HCG Raw/vegetarian friendly! Calories

(no ratings)
"Super" FAT FLUSH Water

Yes, that is the real name. The fat flush water was first introduced by Kim Lyons, who presented this concoction on The Biggest Loser, combined with other weight loss tips. The drink is comprised of 8 oz. water, 1 slice of grapefruit, 1 tangerine, ½ of a cucumber (sliced), 2 peppermint leaves, and ice. Mix together in and enjoy. Kim adds that this drink tastes better the longer it sits. The vitamin C turns fat into fuel, while the tangerine increases your sensitivity to insulin, and the cucumber makes you feel full. While this concoction is pretty awesome by itself, I've added Chia seeds to this recipe and turned it into a SUPER fat flush water.

Why are Chia seeds so SUPER? Well, the Chia Seed is a dieter’s dream come true. The tiny, healthy seeds can be made to taste like whatever you want, and their unique gelling action keeps you feeling full for hours. Google Chia seeds to see the FULL benefits of them. They are definitely a super food not to be ignored.

In conclusion, original recipe is Clark Kent...I've added Chia seeds and turned it into Super Man. Enjoy ~ Daisy

CALORIES: 188.6  |  FAT: 6.4g  |  PROTEIN: 7.7g  |  CARBS: 26.4g  |  FIBER: 13.1g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the "Super" FAT FLUSH Water Calories
Melon Banana Smoothie with Coconut Water

(no ratings)
Melon Banana Smoothie with Coconut Water

An easy, healthy snack with low calories and LOTS of potassium and Vitamin C.

CALORIES: 94.1  |  FAT: 0.9g  |  PROTEIN: 3.1g  |  CARBS: 19.4g  |  FIBER: 1.4g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Melon Banana Smoothie with Coconut Water Calories
Cantaloupe Banana Smoothie with Coconut Water

(no ratings)
Cantaloupe Banana Smoothie with Coconut Water

An easy, healthy snack with low calories and LOTS of potassium and Vitamin C.

CALORIES: 94.1  |  FAT: 0.9g  |  PROTEIN: 3.1g  |  CARBS: 19.4g  |  FIBER: 1.4g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Cantaloupe Banana Smoothie with Coconut Water Calories
Sassy Water

Very Good 4.3/5
(3 ratings)
Sassy Water

Sassy water from flat belly diet

CALORIES: 8.1  |  FAT: 0.1g  |  PROTEIN: 0.5g  |  CARBS: 2.6g  |  FIBER: 1g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Sassy Water Calories
PJ's Homemade Acai Blueberry Strawberry Water

(no ratings)
PJ's Homemade Acai Blueberry Strawberry Water

Great way to add vitamins to your water less expensively.

CALORIES: 18.1  |  FAT: 0g  |  PROTEIN: 0.2g  |  CARBS: 5.5g  |  FIBER: 0.4g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the PJ's Homemade Acai Blueberry Strawberry Water Calories
Fish out of Water

Very Good 4.0/5
(1 rating)
Fish out of Water

Sashimi Tuna Steak sauted in garlic, white wine and spices...served over a bed of iceburg salad mix, fresh spinach. For more flavor and color I added, fresh tomatoes, avacado slices, medium olives, cheese, mushrooms and some lite accents spray by Kens.

CALORIES: 448.9  |  FAT: 18.7g  |  PROTEIN: 44.8g  |  CARBS: 30.2g  |  FIBER: 5.1g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Fish out of Water Calories
Blueberry Water

(no ratings)
Blueberry Water

This is a nice refreshing way to drink your water and get extra fruit in. Blueberries are in season now and can be successfully frozen. Whether by the glass or for a party brunch...you can't go wrong.

CALORIES: 6.6  |  FAT: 0g  |  PROTEIN: 0.1g  |  CARBS: 1.8g  |  FIBER: 0.3g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Blueberry Water Calories
Morning Water

(no ratings)
Morning Water

1 32 oz. pitcher of water with 1 ice cube of frozen barley water. 4 Peppermint teabags. Juice of 1 lemon. 1 tbsp. dried organic olive leaves.
Bring to a boil, cool down and sip after breakfast until lunchtime . Take Omega 3's in the morning with this tea.

CALORIES: 36.1  |  FAT: 0.1g  |  PROTEIN: 0.6g  |  CARBS: 8.5g  |  FIBER: 1g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Morning Water Calories
Celery water

Very Good 4.7/5
(3 ratings)
Celery water

My grandmother uses this to help bring her blood pressure down when it gets to high. (Please not she also takes her BP meds, but uses then when it suddenly goes up)

CALORIES: 20.5  |  FAT: 0.2g  |  PROTEIN: 1g  |  CARBS: 4.7g  |  FIBER: 2.2g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Celery water Calories
Agua de Melon Cantaloupe traditional mexican water

(no ratings)
Agua de Melon Cantaloupe traditional mexican water

This is a beverage mexican style.

CALORIES: 161.2  |  FAT: 0.3g  |  PROTEIN: 0.8g  |  CARBS: 41g  |  FIBER: 0.7g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Agua de Melon Cantaloupe traditional mexican water Calories
Wild Rice w/ Water Chestnuts & Mushrooms

Very Good 4.0/5
(2 ratings)
Wild Rice w/ Water Chestnuts & Mushrooms

CALORIES: 201.9  |  FAT: 3.9g  |  PROTEIN: 5.8g  |  CARBS: 41.9g  |  FIBER: 4.5g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Wild Rice w/ Water Chestnuts & Mushrooms Calories
Crockpot Elk Water Stew

(no ratings)
Crockpot Elk Water Stew

CALORIES: 136  |  FAT: 1g  |  PROTEIN: 15.8g  |  CARBS: 15.6g  |  FIBER: 2.3g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Crockpot Elk Water Stew Calories
Peppermint Flavored Water

Very Good 4.7/5
(3 ratings)
Peppermint Flavored Water

Very refreshing! If you like peppermint, you'll love this! Great after a vigorous workout or just a hot day!!

CALORIES: 3.1  |  FAT: 0g  |  PROTEIN: 0g  |  CARBS: 0g  |  FIBER: 0g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Peppermint Flavored Water Calories
Refreshing Water

(no ratings)
Refreshing Water

This is a refreshing way to drink water and help lose weight at the same time. The fresh ginger helps to calm and sooth the GI tract as well as being tasty.

CALORIES: 4.7  |  FAT: 0.1g  |  PROTEIN: 0.2g  |  CARBS: 1.1g  |  FIBER: 0.3g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Refreshing Water Calories
Thirst Quenching Cucumber/Orange Water

Very Good 4.3/5
(3 ratings)
Thirst Quenching Cucumber/Orange Water

Great refreshing summer alternative to sodas! My kids love this stuff... and it's great for me to get through my 8 glasses of water a day.

Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Thirst Quenching Cucumber/Orange Water Calories