Fish Tacos (Tacos de Pescado)

  • Minutes to Prepare:
  • Minutes to Cook:
  • Number of Servings: 8
INGREDIENTS (INGREDIENTES)1 Pound tilapia fish, filet, boneless (1 lb filetes de tilapia)� teaspoon ground cumin (� cdta comino en polvo)� teaspoon Tajin seasoning or chili powder (� cdta chilito en polvo o sazon "Tajin")Juice of 1 lime (jugo de un lim�n)Salt and Pepper (sal y pimienta)8 corn tortillas (or flour if you prefer) (8 tortillas de maiz o harina si los prefiere)1 tablespoon olive oil (1 cda aceite de olivo)
Heat the tortillas by wrapping them in aluminum foil and placing in a preheated 350�F oven for 10 minutes, or until they are hot and soft, then wrap in a clean towel to keep warm. Place the fish on a plate and sprinkle with the cumin, salt, pepper and Tajin. Drizzle with olive oil and the juice of 1 lime. Add the fish to a preheated pan and cook until golden on the outside. Remove from the skillet and transfer to a plate. To assemble the tacos, place an equal amount of the tilapia in each tortilla, and serve with shredded cabbage or lettuce.

Envuelva las tortillas en papel aluminio y cali�ntelas en el horno caliente (350�F) por 10 minutos, o hasta que est�n calientes y suaves. Despues, envuelvalas en una toalla limpia para mantener el calor. Coloque el pescado en un plato y espolvorear con el comino, la sal, la pimienta y el Taj�n. Roc�e con aceite de oliva y el jugo de 1 lim�n. A�adir el pescado en una olla caliente y dejar hasta que est�n doradas por fuera. Retirar de la sart�n y la transferencia a un plato. Para asemblar los tacos, se pone una cantidad igual de la tilapia en cada tortilla. Sirvelos con col o lechuga picada.

Serving Size:�Makes 8 tacos

For a delicious serving suggestion, try my Peach/Mango Salsa recipe to go with this.
Por una sugerencia deliciosa, probar mi receta para Salsa de Mango y Durazno para acompa�ar.

Servings Per Recipe: 8
Nutritional Info Amount Per Serving
  • Calories: 127.5
  • Total Fat: 3.4 g
  • Cholesterol: 27.5 mg
  • Sodium: 80.0 mg
  • Total Carbs: 12.1 g
  • Dietary Fiber: 1.7 g
  • Protein: 12.8 g

Member Reviews
    Pretty Good - I just sprinkled on chili powder and oregano without measuring instead of the cumin and Tajin. - 12/6/15
    Easy and great tasting. You can try it with shredded cabbage, it was also good. - 5/6/15