Spaghetti Squash

  • Number of Servings: 1
  • 1 small spaghetti squash
  • 1 stick of butter
  • 1 cup grated myzithra (or parmesan) cheese
1. Poke holes in squash with a paring knife all over. Microwave on high 5 � 10 minutes until the squash is soft.

2. Melt butter in a sauce pan over medium heat until slightly browned and fragrant.

3. Cut the squash in half, lengthwise. Scoop out the seeds. Scrape the squash with a fork to get "spaghetti" strands.

4. Divide the squash among 4 plates. Top squash with 1/4 of the cheese and pour over 1/4 of the butter.

Serves 4.

Nutritional Info Amount Per Serving
  • Calories: 338.2
  • Total Fat: 30.7 g
  • Cholesterol: 81.8 mg
  • Sodium: 482.6 mg
  • Total Carbs: 6.0 g
  • Dietary Fiber: 1.1 g
  • Protein: 11.1 g

Member Reviews
  • LET_IT_BE80
    I can't believe the SP "Family" would judge. I was reading this recipe and instantly knew it was too much fat for me. But the calories and carbs are ideal. So just change it. No need to criticize!!! Oh yeah and the reason for the butter over the margerine..... butter is healthier. Moderation!!!!!! - 8/31/10
    I made this but used spray butter instead, was really good and no fat. - 8/31/10
    sounds like a great low carb alternative to spaghetti. I agree with others. Just alter it to fit. As a "low carb eater", I rarely complain when a diet is high is carbs. I just alter it, you know. - 8/31/10
  • CD7601418
    I do similar, but use butter spray and a sprinkling of cheese; then seasoning. It is good. My favorite is spagetti squash with homemade no sugar meat sauce.
    I LOVE SPAGETTI SQUASH!! - 8/31/10
    From the "Rate this recipe" blurb: " Not all recipes on the site have to be completely healthy since moderation is one key to a healthy lifestyle." As other commenters have said: Adjust as needed. Love Spagetti squash made this way, it's a great side dish, I add italian seasoning, too. - 8/31/10
    This was a great alternative to spaghetti, I did eliminate the butter and use spaghetti sauce and a little cheese. - 8/31/10
  • CBACH71
    I will not try this because it has too much fat. I agree with the other poster, how did this get on Spark? Why not just eliminate the butter and cheese and top your squash with your sauce? - 8/31/10
    For the first time in over 30 years my MINDSET has changed because of SP! I'm NOT dieting! I'm living this way for the rest of my days on earth. If I have an indulgence [this recipe sounds YUMMY] once in a blue moon, then so be it. And what about a 1/2 serving or 1/4 serving. Thanks for sharing - 10/31/10
    i have been eating spaghetti squash for some time now,. i cut it in half, take out the seeds turn it upside down on a plate with just a smidgeon of water, cook 5 min. i turn it over scrape it into spaghetti strands, put 1 tbs. of butter on it and it is delecious!! oh, and salt and pepper... - 9/1/10
    Spaghetti squash is a staple in our house. I make it often and use tomato sauce or fresh tomatoes from the garden, and a little parmesan cheese. Healthy and low cal
    - 8/31/10
    I'm actually more horrified about using the microwave than the butter. There's a place for everything in a balanced diet, which includes an occasional indulgnce. This would be great as a side at Thanksgiving too. - 8/31/10
    This sounds very good, but I would use a light sauce (like marinara) instead of the butter and cheese. - 8/31/10
  • SUNNY332
    I might have tried it pre-spark but now now. My artries just closed up thinking about all that butter and the cheese.

    I vote for a nice marinara sauce. - 8/31/10
  • CD750530
    Too much fat, butter, cooked in a microwave! Please! Live and let live. I don't use artificial sweeteners, non-fat sour cream, and the like, but I'll defend the right of everyone else to do so. Eat, adapt or ignore a recipe, but let's not be the Spark kitchen police. - 10/31/10
  • CD8022684
    I love spaghetti squash but no need for butter-you can use spray butter, I even like it with cinnamon! - 10/31/10
    A healthier version I always make is the spaghetti squash mixed with a good pinch of garlic powder, black pepper, some parmesan cheese, bound together with a bit of EVOO... - 10/31/10
    good grief, a recipe is a guideline. If you do no like the fat content, butter or whatever: change it. To be rude and condemn a recipe is outrageous. The basic recipe/concept is a great way to cook the squash. - 10/31/10
  • MEMA523
    Just bake the spaghetti squash and top it with spaghetti sauce --- no butter - no cheese. I add browned hamburger for a meal. Its healthy and delicious! - 8/31/10
    How in the world did this recipe get on Spark? A whole stick of butter and a cup of cheese? Don't get me wrong, sounds delicious. But healthy?!?!?!?! - 8/31/10
    Love, Love spaghetti squash. I make it with the sauce,meat and cheese. I will try this, with a less butter. - 10/31/10
  • NANADA1947
    when i was a child, my mom put "burnt" butter on EVERYTHING!..i love it, but don't want/need the extra fat & calories..i use: 2 tbl butter, brown it, add 1 tbl olive oil, minced garlic to taste and a sprinkle of crushed red pepper flakes..adds interest & cuts the "bad" fat.. - 10/31/10
    This is SOOOOO good!! And it's also great with spaghetti sauce - get whatever flavors you like or can afford to eat (so far as calories or dietary restrictions). I love the vegetarian sphagetti sauces - no meats - goes great with spaghetti squash! - 8/31/10
    The reason I "judge" it that some people who are new to SP may think that if SparkTeam posts a recipe like this than it must be fine. I LOVE SP, but come on, SparkTeam! Why would you post this with SO much fat? TWO tbsp. of butter per serving is NOT even moderation. How about 1 tsp per serv? - 8/31/10
    I do have to agree with other's that this is NOT a SP type of recipe. While we all know we can alter it, that's not the point. SP, in my estimation, helps us do that. This does not do that. Personally, I fix this squash often and use a red sauce and a little parmesan cheese. Healthy and low cal - 8/31/10