(3 Recipes)

Sf Zucchini Recipes

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Member Recipes for Sf Zucchini

zucchini babana bread SF

Very Good 4.0/5
(3 ratings)
zucchini babana bread SF

no sugar, sweetner or oil added
I was just playing around with diff recipes. May need some modifications, according to ur taste. Its not sweet and extra moist

CALORIES: 95.7  |  FAT: 3.8g  |  PROTEIN: 3.4g  |  CARBS: 14.1g  |  FIBER: 2.7g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the zucchini babana bread SF Calories
Cocoa Zucchini Cake (SF/LF)

(no ratings)
Cocoa Zucchini Cake (SF/LF)

Sugar free, low fat, high protein and DELICIOUS! The kids will never know they're eating veggies and no one else will know they're not eating wheat flour! Moist and yummy.

CALORIES: 99.9  |  FAT: 6.4g  |  PROTEIN: 2.9g  |  CARBS: 9.2g  |  FIBER: 1.5g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Cocoa Zucchini Cake (SF/LF) Calories
SF Zucchini Brownies

(no ratings)
SF Zucchini Brownies

sugar free, low fat, whole wheat zucchini brownies that actually taste good!

CALORIES: 57.8  |  FAT: 1g  |  PROTEIN: 2.6g  |  CARBS: 11.5g  |  FIBER: 2.4g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the SF Zucchini Brownies Calories