(3 Recipes)

Crockpot Beef Curry Recipes

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Member Recipes for Crockpot Beef Curry

Crockpot Beef Curry Stew

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Crockpot Beef Curry Stew

CALORIES: 214.8  |  FAT: 5.8g  |  PROTEIN: 20g  |  CARBS: 21g  |  FIBER: 4g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Crockpot Beef Curry Stew Calories
Crockpot Coconut Beef Curry

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Crockpot Coconut Beef Curry

For low-carb or paleo/primal diets. Serve with steamed cauliflower or sauteed bok choy.

CALORIES: 488.7  |  FAT: 28.7g  |  PROTEIN: 48.4g  |  CARBS: 9.8g  |  FIBER: 1.4g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Crockpot Coconut Beef Curry Calories
Crockpot Beef and Vegetable Curry

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Crockpot Beef and Vegetable Curry

Altered from Chef Meg's vegetable curry to add meat

CALORIES: 282.3  |  FAT: 4g  |  PROTEIN: 21.7g  |  CARBS: 30.2g  |  FIBER: 11.4g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Crockpot Beef and Vegetable Curry Calories