(5 Recipes)

Cornbread Pudding Recipes

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Member Recipes for Cornbread Pudding

Cornbread Pudding

(no ratings)
Cornbread Pudding

Simple and Comforting

CALORIES: 435.6  |  FAT: 21.8g  |  PROTEIN: 7.2g  |  CARBS: 52.6g  |  FIBER: 3g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Cornbread Pudding Calories
Cornbread pudding

(no ratings)
Cornbread pudding

delicious and easy way to make scalloped corn and kids love it!

CALORIES: 261.8  |  FAT: 8.6g  |  PROTEIN: 7g  |  CARBS: 41.7g  |  FIBER: 5.5g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Cornbread pudding Calories
Cornbread Pudding ((Not a dessert))

Very Good 4.0/5
(1 rating)
Cornbread Pudding ((Not a dessert))

I first had this about 15 years ago. I first thought it was wayyy to rich and be too hard for me to recreate. My mom assured me that it was NOT hard at all, and that it is FOOL PROOF as long as I didn't overcook it. So I trusted her, made it, loved it. Every Thanksgiving and Christmas, I serve this.

CALORIES: 237.6  |  FAT: 15g  |  PROTEIN: 3.4g  |  CARBS: 20.8g  |  FIBER: 0.5g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Cornbread Pudding ((Not a dessert)) Calories
Jiffy Cornbread Casserole (cornbread pudding)

Incredible! 5.0/5
(2 ratings)
Jiffy Cornbread Casserole (cornbread pudding)

CALORIES: 170.9  |  FAT: 9.7g  |  PROTEIN: 3.4g  |  CARBS: 16.6g  |  FIBER: 0.9g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Jiffy Cornbread Casserole (cornbread pudding) Calories
Bill's Cornbread Pudding

(no ratings)
Bill's Cornbread Pudding

CALORIES: 146.8  |  FAT: 6.4g  |  PROTEIN: 2.6g  |  CARBS: 22.1g  |  FIBER: 1.3g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Bill's Cornbread Pudding Calories