Low Carb Recipes (Most Popular)
Whip the 2 cups HWC until light and fluffy Add 1/4 c of stevia, gently fold into HWC, in a separate container beat the softened 4 oz of cream cheese until smooth( may need to add a tbls if HWC so it with be smooth. Add all the remaining ingredients into the cream cheese mixture then fold into the heavy whipping cream . Store in a closed container in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes to chill. Then enjoy, it is delicious.
Classic americanized Zuppa with cauliflower instead of potatoes for a low carb option with a bit of spice
Ground beef untill brown
Add 1 cup of heavy cream
2 cups Shredded cheese
1 package of taco seasoning
Stir untill cheese is blended
Using Olive Oil we have found that the total fat is actually good fat found in the Monounsaturated and polyunsaturate then the saturated fat. These are Yummie
this is such a delicious replacement for oatmeal. It sticks to your bones, and it's good for you!! My whole family, who has never eaten healthy until now, btw, says this recipe is a keeper!! I got this from Dr. Heather Cardin's blog, ask Dr. Heather. Enjoy