(9 Recipes)

Microwave Custard Recipes

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Member Recipes for Microwave Custard

Single Serving Microwave Custard

Very Good 4.6/5
(10 ratings)
Single Serving Microwave Custard

Yummy custard that's definitely worth the wait!

CALORIES: 52.9  |  FAT: 0.6g  |  PROTEIN: 8.3g  |  CARBS: 2.2g  |  FIBER: 0g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Single Serving Microwave Custard Calories
Microwave Custard

Good 3.0/5
(1 rating)
Microwave Custard

'Baked' custard cooked in microwave

CALORIES: 147.5  |  FAT: 5.4g  |  PROTEIN: 7.5g  |  CARBS: 17.1g  |  FIBER: 0g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Microwave Custard Calories
Microwave custard cake

(no ratings)
Microwave custard cake

CALORIES: 981.8  |  FAT: 55g  |  PROTEIN: 16.9g  |  CARBS: 107.5g  |  FIBER: 1.6g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Microwave custard cake Calories
Microwave Custard

Very Good 4.0/5
(1 rating)
Microwave Custard

CALORIES: 141.4  |  FAT: 3.9g  |  PROTEIN: 8.3g  |  CARBS: 17.8g  |  FIBER: 0g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Microwave Custard Calories
1-egg Microwave custard

Incredible! 5.0/5
(1 rating)
1-egg Microwave custard

I really have been craving custard since my surgery. Sweetening with sucralose gives me a sweet custard that is also a pretty good source of protein.

CALORIES: 81.6  |  FAT: 2.8g  |  PROTEIN: 7.4g  |  CARBS: 6.8g  |  FIBER: 0g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the 1-egg Microwave custard Calories
Microwave Baked Egg Custard

(no ratings)
Microwave Baked Egg Custard

A sweet treat with a bit of protein.

CALORIES: 147.2  |  FAT: 3.6g  |  PROTEIN: 7g  |  CARBS: 21.6g  |  FIBER: 0g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Microwave Baked Egg Custard Calories
Low-carb microwave egg custard

(no ratings)
Low-carb microwave egg custard

The Spark calculator is incorrect -- there are no carbs in Truvia or vanilla. As a result, the net carbs for this recipe is just 2 carbs per serving, or four carbs for the whole thing.

CALORIES: 286.2  |  FAT: 27g  |  PROTEIN: 7.6g  |  CARBS: 4.1g  |  FIBER: 0.1g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Low-carb microwave egg custard Calories
Microwave egg custard

(no ratings)
Microwave egg custard

CALORIES: 65  |  FAT: 0g  |  PROTEIN: 8g  |  CARBS: 4g  |  FIBER: 0g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Microwave egg custard Calories
Single Serving Microwave Custard

Bad 1.3/5
(3 ratings)
Single Serving Microwave Custard

A single serving, low fat, high protein custard. This is good snack for after strength training.

CALORIES: 87.4  |  FAT: 0.4g  |  PROTEIN: 10.8g  |  CARBS: 7g  |  FIBER: 0.1g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Single Serving Microwave Custard Calories