Low Carb Recipes (Most Popular)
Thought I'd put a Mexican seasoning twist on a stuffed bell pepper recipe. If you're doing Keto, try using higher fat meat and slicing some avacado and placing the slices on top before eating
These are easy to make, great for a light snack before a morning walk.
This is the Protein Shake developed by Mike at the Healthy weight supermarket in Springfield MO
This slow-cooker recipe featuring chicken, squash and chickpeas is a perennial favorite in our house. So easy you won't believe it. Entire prep is about 3 minutes!
This slow-cooker recipe featuring chicken, squash and chickpeas is a perennial favorite in our house. So easy you won't believe it. Entire prep is about 3 minutes!
This is easy to mix and match with. add different or more veggies, use turkey instead of meat, the sky is the limit!
Slightly resembles breakfast cereal. I added about 1/2 cup of unsweetened almond-coconut milk, so that adds another .5 gram of carbs. I added Splenda to the mix b/c I was looking for something sweet for breakfast. Also, there may be some lower carb brands for some of these things.
Something to do on a cold day with leftover pork and Mashed potatoes. Just add broth, veggies, and you have supper, or lunch.
Aromatic lamb patties, very tender.
Eat alone with greens, or as a slider on a Hawaiian dinner roll with a little mayo.