Vegetarian Recipes (Most Popular)

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Homemade Mac & Cheese
Homemade Mac & Cheese

Cooks Illustrated recipe with less cheese, skim evaporated milk, and whole wheat pasta.

Corn & Squash Quesadillas
Corn & Squash Quesadillas

Grilled Vegetables give these quesadillas their distinctive flair, while cumin and jalapeno peppers add a little zip.

Spaghetti Squash casserol
Spaghetti Squash casserol

I went to the farmers market and picked up some beautiful peppers and a spaghetti squash and couldn't wait to try this out. It's as easy as throwing items together and stiring your way to yumminess

Baba Ganouj
Baba Ganouj

This dip is an adaptation of a Moosewood cookbook recipe.

It is excellent with raw vegetables or pita chips. Try also as a sandwich spread.

Vegetable Black Bean Lasagna
Vegetable Black Bean Lasagna

This is an easy casserole that can be made with whatever beans are in the pantry and vegetables in the refrigerator. It also freezes well.

Black Bean & Barley Salad
Black Bean & Barley Salad

salad with crunch and flavor!

Veggie Soup
Veggie Soup

Based on a Veggie soup recipe I found on line

Best Breakfast Cookies
Best Breakfast Cookies

Make a batch on Sundays and have enough for everyone for the whole week!

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Baked Chipotle Sweet Potato and Black Bean Quinoa Cakes with Creamy Avocado Sauce

Chipotle Sweet Potato and Black Bean Quinoa Cakes with Creamy Avocado Sauce
Ever since I discovered quinoa cakes I have been dreaming up different flavour combinations for them! A quinoa cake or fritter is pretty much what it sounds like, a mixture of quinoa with a binder such as an egg and breadcrumbs that is formed into cakes or patties and then fried until crispy. One of the great things about cakes like this is that in addition to the main ingredient you can add pretty much whatever you want for flavour! I am a big fan of the spicy and smoky chipotle, sweet potato and creamy black bean combo and I am more than a little surprised that it took me this long to throw them into some quinoa cakes!

This quinoa cake recipe is pretty simple and in addition to the sweet potato, black beans, quinoa and chipotle chili powder I added some cumin, garlic, green onions and cilantro for flavour and freshness. I decided to go with raw, grated sweet potatoes, though am sure that a recipe with mashed would work as well. One problem that I did have with the recipe was that with a full can of black beans it ended up making more than the 4 servings that I normally like to target, but extra leftover quinoa cakes are certainly a lot better than leftover black beans! In keeping with the eating healthier mantra I decided to bake the quinoa cakes rather than frying them and it worked out well! The baked quinoa cakes did not have as crispy of an outside but this insides were so light, moist and fluffy and good! I will definitely be baking quinoa fritters again tin the future!

While I was contemplating the recipe I remembered that cool and creamy avocado goes amazingly well with the chipotle, sweet potato and black bean combo and I immediately knew that me favourite creamy avocado sauce would be the perfect topping for the cakes! I served the chipotle sweet potato and black bean quinoa cakes with creamy avocado sauce on a bed of sauteed swiss chard and it made for a fabulous light, healthy and tasty meal! I do have one confession, I could not stop there and I just had to top everything off with...

Chipotle Sweet Potato and Black Bean Quinoa Cakes with Creamy Avocado Sauce
...a fried egg! Pretty much everything tastes better when topped with an egg!

Chipotle Sweet Potato and Black Bean Quinoa Cakes with Creamy Avocado Sauce
Of course it has to have a nice runny yolk!

Chipotle Sweet Potato and Black Bean Quinoa Cakes with Creamy Avocado Sauce
Finally a bite! mmm... It's so good! Don'y you just love a messy, runny egg yolk meal like this?

Chipotle Sweet Potato and Black Bean Quinoa Cakes with Creamy Avocado Sauce

Melty Grilled Cheese Cover

Get the latest Closet Cooking cookbook Melty Grilled Cheese which contains 25 of the tastiest grilled cheese sandwiches to come out of my closet sized kitchen! Never eat a boring grilled cheese again!
Chipotle Sweet Potato and Black Bean Quinoa Cakes with Creamy Avocado Sauce

Healthy and tasty sweet potato, black bean and quinoa cakes with the smoky hint of chipotle chilies.


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Home About Contact Subscribe Cookbooks Blog Roll Recipe Index My Recipe Box Baked Chipotle Sweet Potato and Black Bean Quinoa Cakes

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Baked Chipotle Sweet Potato and Black Bean Quinoa Cakes with Creamy Avocado Sauce

Chipotle Sweet Potato and Black Bean Quinoa Cakes with Creamy Avocado Sauce
Ever since I discovered quinoa cakes I have been dreaming up different flavour combinations for them! A quinoa cake or fritter is pretty much what it sounds like, a mixture of quinoa with a binder such as an egg and breadcrumbs that is formed into cakes or patties and then fried until crispy. One of the great things about cakes like this is that in addition to the main ingredient you can add pretty much whatever you want for flavour! I am a big fan of the spicy and smoky chipotle, sweet potato and creamy black bean combo and I am more than a little surprised that it took me this long to throw them into some quinoa cakes!

This quinoa cake recipe is pretty simple and in addition to the sweet potato, black beans, quinoa and chipotle chili powder I added some cumin, garlic, green onions and cilantro for flavour and freshness. I decided to go with raw, grated sweet potatoes, though am sure that a recipe with mashed would work as well. One problem that I did have with the recipe was that with a full can of black beans it ended up making more than the 4 servings that I normally like to target, but extra leftover quinoa cakes are certainly a lot better than leftover black beans! In keeping with the eating healthier mantra I decided to bake the quinoa cakes rather than frying them and it worked out well! The baked quinoa cakes did not have as crispy of an outside but this insides were so light, moist and fluffy and good! I will definitely be baking quinoa fritters again tin the future!

While I was contemplating the recipe I remembered that cool and creamy avocado goes amazingly well with the chipotle, sweet potato and black bean combo and I immediately knew that me favourite creamy avocado sauce would be the perfect topping for the cakes! I served the chipotle sweet potato and black bean quinoa cakes with creamy avocado sauce on a bed of sauteed swiss chard and it made for a fabulous light, healthy and tasty meal! I do have one confession, I could not stop there and I just had to top everything off with...

Chipotle Sweet Potato and Black Bean Quinoa Cakes with Creamy Avocado Sauce
...a fried egg! Pretty much everything tastes better when topped with an egg!

Chipotle Sweet Potato and Black Bean Quinoa Cakes with Creamy Avocado Sauce
Of course it has to have a nice runny yolk!

Chipotle Sweet Potato and Black Bean Quinoa Cakes with Creamy Avocado Sauce
Finally a bite! mmm... It's so good! Don'y you just love a messy, runny egg yolk meal like this?

Chipotle Sweet Potato and Black Bean Quinoa Cakes with Creamy Avocado Sauce

Melty Grilled Cheese Cover

Get the latest Closet Cooking cookbook Melty Grilled Cheese which contains 25 of the tastiest grilled cheese sandwiches to come out of my closet sized kitchen! Never eat a boring grilled cheese again!
Chipotle Sweet Potato and Black Bean Quinoa Cakes with Creamy Avocado Sauce

Healthy and tasty sweet potato, black bean and quinoa cakes with the smoky hint of chipotle chilies.


Fruit Salad with Balsalmic Vinegarette
Fruit Salad with Balsalmic Vinegarette

Exceptionally easy, tasty and healthy and quick!

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