(9 Recipes)

Chicken Breast Potato Recipes

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Member Recipes for Chicken Breast Potato

Potato FLAKE Fried Chicken (Breast)

Very Good 4.3/5
(19 ratings)
Potato FLAKE Fried Chicken (Breast)

Adjusted recipe entered by SPICEAHOLIC for 1 pound of chicken breast instead of 1.5 pounds of chicken thigh.

CALORIES: 184  |  FAT: 4.3g  |  PROTEIN: 27.2g  |  CARBS: 7.9g  |  FIBER: 1.2g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Potato FLAKE Fried Chicken (Breast) Calories
Baked Chicken Breast with Roasted Cherry Tomoatoes and Baked Sweet Potato Fries

Good 3.4/5
(5 ratings)
Baked Chicken Breast with Roasted Cherry Tomoatoes and Baked Sweet Potato Fries

This is a delicious LOW-FAT classic recipe that I love. It is simple, has great flavor and can really substitute for "fast food" cravings. Tip:Take your time making it and cravings will go away. Learning to be patient is a great way to take control of eating habits. This recipe serves one. Multiply measurements for each additional person.

CALORIES: 467.9  |  FAT: 3.2g  |  PROTEIN: 60.7g  |  CARBS: 47.8g  |  FIBER: 5.7g
Roasted Chicken Breast & Tomato w. Sweet Potato Fries

(no ratings)
Roasted Chicken Breast & Tomato w. Sweet Potato Fries

Super easy low-cal dinner.

CALORIES: 264.7  |  FAT: 5.7g  |  PROTEIN: 23.1g  |  CARBS: 29.9g  |  FIBER: 5.3g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Roasted Chicken Breast & Tomato w. Sweet Potato Fries Calories
Chicken Breast, Veggies and Sweet Potato

(no ratings)
Chicken Breast, Veggies and Sweet Potato

A great combination with some of the healthiest of options. Your lean, white chicken breast can be grilled (if marinated add nutrition for the marinade), baked, etc and the veggies (mixed vegetables in this case) are great steamed with a baked sweet potato from the oven or my favorite, the sweet potato on the grill.

CALORIES: 349.6  |  FAT: 2.3g  |  PROTEIN: 43.5g  |  CARBS: 33.6g  |  FIBER: 7.8g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Chicken Breast, Veggies and Sweet Potato Calories
Sweet potato apple bake with Chicken breast

(no ratings)
Sweet potato apple bake with Chicken breast

A sweet alternative to the standard mashed potatoes.

CALORIES: 363.3  |  FAT: 4.4g  |  PROTEIN: 25.3g  |  CARBS: 56.7g  |  FIBER: 10.1g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Sweet potato apple bake with Chicken breast Calories
Roasted chicken breast with Potato& Broccoli casserole

(no ratings)
Roasted chicken breast with Potato& Broccoli casserole

Pan roasted chicken with this delicious casserole, great dinner and lo-cal

CALORIES: 385.6  |  FAT: 14.9g  |  PROTEIN: 31.8g  |  CARBS: 31.9g  |  FIBER: 4.2g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Roasted chicken breast with Potato& Broccoli casserole Calories
Skillet Chicken Breast with Sweet Potato

Good 3.0/5
(1 rating)
Skillet Chicken Breast with Sweet Potato

Almost any vegetable is a delicious addition to this while adding few calories and lots of nutrition!

CALORIES: 276.8  |  FAT: 1.1g  |  PROTEIN: 27.5g  |  CARBS: 40.9g  |  FIBER: 5.9g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Skillet Chicken Breast with Sweet Potato Calories

(no ratings)
"Old Bay" Potato & Green Bean Salad (w/Spinach & Chicken Breast)

from allrecipes.com with some modifications

CALORIES: 162.2  |  FAT: 3.5g  |  PROTEIN: 5.9g  |  CARBS: 27.9g  |  FIBER: 3.5g
Potato Flake Chicken breast (my version)

Incredible! 5.0/5
(1 rating)
Potato Flake Chicken breast (my version)

CALORIES: 211.6  |  FAT: 3.6g  |  PROTEIN: 32.1g  |  CARBS: 12.9g  |  FIBER: 0.9g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Potato Flake Chicken breast (my version) Calories