(6 Recipes)

Marionberry Recipes

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Member Recipes for Marionberry

Kale and Marionberry Smoothie

(no ratings)
Kale and Marionberry Smoothie

This delicious smoothie has a delicate earthy taste bursting with yummy marionberry. It's sure to fill you up.

CALORIES: 152.1  |  FAT: 1.7g  |  PROTEIN: 11.2g  |  CARBS: 21.9g  |  FIBER: 2.1g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Kale and Marionberry Smoothie Calories
Marionberry-Cherry Smoothie

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Marionberry-Cherry Smoothie

A healthy post workout snack that isn't too sweet or too heavy. I used tofu for my protein instead of a powder.

CALORIES: 105.4  |  FAT: 2g  |  PROTEIN: 4.4g  |  CARBS: 18.4g  |  FIBER: 3.2g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Marionberry-Cherry Smoothie Calories
Marionberry Blueberry Banana Smoothie

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Marionberry Blueberry Banana Smoothie

CALORIES: 208.9  |  FAT: 1.3g  |  PROTEIN: 2.6g  |  CARBS: 52.3g  |  FIBER: 13g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Marionberry Blueberry Banana Smoothie Calories
Marionberry Compote

(no ratings)
Marionberry Compote

Marionberries are a Northwest favorite - they are a cross between Chehalem and Olallieberry blackberries. The nutrition data here is therefore based on frozen blackberries, since the nutrition information for marionberries could not be located online. Blackberry data should be very close!

CALORIES: 84.8  |  FAT: 0.3g  |  PROTEIN: 0.9g  |  CARBS: 20.9g  |  FIBER: 3.8g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Marionberry Compote Calories
Gluten-free Marionberry Crisp

(no ratings)
Gluten-free Marionberry Crisp

CALORIES: 266.4  |  FAT: 6.7g  |  PROTEIN: 2g  |  CARBS: 50.8g  |  FIBER: 5.7g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Gluten-free Marionberry Crisp Calories
Blackberry, Marionberry or Blueberry Crunch Cobbler

Incredible! 5.0/5
(1 rating)
Blackberry, Marionberry or Blueberry Crunch Cobbler

A wholesome healthy dessert that's good anytime of the year!
There will will be smiling faces throughout the house!

CALORIES: 242.5  |  FAT: 3.7g  |  PROTEIN: 3.2g  |  CARBS: 50.1g  |  FIBER: 4.5g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Blackberry, Marionberry or Blueberry Crunch Cobbler Calories