Brunch Recipes (Most Popular)

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Instant Coffee

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Instant Coffee

Crustless Bacon Cheddar Quiche

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Crustless Bacon Cheddar Quiche

This is a nice Breakfast or Brunch idea...can modify the recipe for your own health needs.


Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)


Lumber Jack protein powder pancakes

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Lumber Jack protein powder pancakes

Hearty protein packed pancakes.

Donut Muffins with Fresh Nutmeg By Tamera

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Donut Muffins with Fresh Nutmeg By Tamera

You can have your donut and eat it too with this recipe! Fresh Nutmeg is the key to a GREAT donut. I use half and half for richness and balance out the fat content with flax milk. These are good frosted after you hit your goal or dusted with cinnamon and sugar. This is a wonderful sweet treat without killing the diet. Store in Freezer!

Iced Latte' Da - Non Dairy by Tamera

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Iced Latte' Da - Non Dairy by Tamera

Owning a high powered blender (I like the Nurtibullet brand) is key to the blending of this drink. I love Iced Latte's in the summer, although cannot justify all those worthless calories in commercial drinks.

Buttery Scrambled Eggs

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Buttery Scrambled Eggs

A tried and true classic, this simple three-ingredient Scrambled Eggs recipe is the same one I've been using since I was a little girl. I can still remember being shown how to take a spatula and move it across the pan of eggs and create a "scramble." I show how in the video that you can find by following the link below.

For more on these buttery scrambled eggs, see here:


Buckwheat Waffles

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Buckwheat Waffles

gluten, grain, and dairy free

Fannie Farmer Pancakes, Banana

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Fannie Farmer Pancakes, Banana

The classic, plus fruit. A once in a while treat.

Apple Puff Pancake

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Apple Puff Pancake

A wonderful treat not only in flavor but also in visual appeal. You'll want to open the oven to watch it puff, but don't -- the end result is worth the wait.

Cold Tortellini Chicken Salad (Serves 6)

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Cold Tortellini Chicken Salad (Serves 6)

This is a recipe from

hope you like it.

Joe's Special

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Joe's Special

Whole Wheat Sourdough Pancakes (one)

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Whole Wheat Sourdough Pancakes (one)

Use yogurt whey, if you can, instead of water, for a more sour taste. Just take non-fat, plain yogurt, strain it in the refrigerator... I use a coffee filter in a strainer... and the liquid is whey, the yogurt becomes greek yogurt.

Low fat Zucchini-Carrot Muffins

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Low fat Zucchini-Carrot Muffins

I took the recipe from Betty Crocker and then really tweaked it.

Spinach Muthia

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Spinach Muthia

Steamed spinach dumplings

basic scrambled tofu (endlessly customizable)

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
basic scrambled tofu (endlessly customizable)

i've tried every scrambled tofu recipe under the sun (i've perused about 5050 vegan cookbooks, magazines, and recipe blogs)... and this is the BEST basic recipe i've found.

the spice mixture is tasty, but it does not give any type of overpowering flavor which would prevent you from adding whatever you'd like to the base.... you can add whatever veggies you have on hand. i tend to use scrambled tofu as a great way to clean out the fridge of veggies about to go bad!

note: i use LIGHT firm tofu in place of regular firm tofu because it's significantly lower in fat and calories without being lower in protein. i find that by the time i add olive oil and the spice mixture, i cannot tell the difference between the light and the regular.

Stuffed Zucchini

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Stuffed Zucchini

Garden Fritatta

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Garden Fritatta

Great way to get all your veggies and protein!

Homemade Turkey Sausage

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Homemade Turkey Sausage

This sausage has no sodium nitrate or msg because it is homemade. I cook all the sausage and if any is remaining I place in an airtight container and place them in the fridge and take them out as needed...My very own Jimmy Dean sausage! You can also make small balls of sausage or take a cooked patty and crumble it on top of your homemade pizza or use the patty for a sausage egg mcmuffin sandwich. Very delicious. You won't be disappointed

Carrot Island Salad

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Carrot Island Salad

Very good

Grandma's strawberry salad

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Grandma's strawberry salad

a yummy lunch, snack or addition to dinner

Ham and Egg Bake

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Ham and Egg Bake

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