(11 Recipes)

Rusks Recipes

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Member Recipes for Rusks

South African whole wheat meusili rusks

(no ratings)
South African whole wheat meusili rusks

These are our version of Biscotti, they are great for dipping in tea or coffee when you have to have a snack or breakfast on the run! Great for a snack with a cup of coffee on a cold blustery evening. Contains Fibre.

CALORIES: 126.3  |  FAT: 4.1g  |  PROTEIN: 7.5g  |  CARBS: 19.9g  |  FIBER: 1.4g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the South African whole wheat meusili rusks Calories
All Bran and Cranberries Rusks

(no ratings)
All Bran and Cranberries Rusks

All Bran Rusks recipe found at:

CALORIES: 277.6  |  FAT: 10.4g  |  PROTEIN: 1.6g  |  CARBS: 18.6g  |  FIBER: 0.9g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the All Bran and Cranberries Rusks Calories
Growwe beskuit (Rough rusks)

(no ratings)
Growwe beskuit (Rough rusks)

CALORIES: 166.9  |  FAT: 7.6g  |  PROTEIN: 3.4g  |  CARBS: 22.9g  |  FIBER: 1.8g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Growwe beskuit (Rough rusks) Calories
Buttermilk Rusks

Very Good 4.0/5
(3 ratings)
Buttermilk Rusks

Wake up, make your favourite coffee, dip, dunk and enjoy!

CALORIES: 217.6  |  FAT: 16g  |  PROTEIN: 1.6g  |  CARBS: 18.1g  |  FIBER: 0g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Buttermilk Rusks Calories

(no ratings)

each serving is aprox 20 gr.

CALORIES: 98.7  |  FAT: 6.7g  |  PROTEIN: 2.7g  |  CARBS: 7.4g  |  FIBER: 1.9g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the CHICK PEAS RUSKS Calories
Bran Rusks

(no ratings)
Bran Rusks

Traditional South African rusks with a personal twist.

CALORIES: 176.7  |  FAT: 9.3g  |  PROTEIN: 2.9g  |  CARBS: 21.1g  |  FIBER: 1.7g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Bran Rusks Calories
Buttermilk Rusks

(no ratings)
Buttermilk Rusks

CALORIES: 126.5  |  FAT: 5.3g  |  PROTEIN: 2.7g  |  CARBS: 18.4g  |  FIBER: 2g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Buttermilk Rusks Calories
My Rusks

(no ratings)
My Rusks

CALORIES: 130  |  FAT: 3g  |  PROTEIN: 2.5g  |  CARBS: 24g  |  FIBER: 0g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the My Rusks Calories
Swedish Rusks

(no ratings)
Swedish Rusks

Great to serve with coffee or tea.

CALORIES: 63.2  |  FAT: 2.2g  |  PROTEIN: 0.9g  |  CARBS: 10.4g  |  FIBER: 0g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Swedish Rusks Calories
zucchini soup with cheddar rusks

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zucchini soup with cheddar rusks

yummy soup

CALORIES: 94.9  |  FAT: 3.6g  |  PROTEIN: 5.2g  |  CARBS: 11.3g  |  FIBER: 1.7g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the zucchini soup with cheddar rusks Calories
Buttermilk Rusks

(no ratings)
Buttermilk Rusks

CALORIES: 158.8  |  FAT: 5.8g  |  PROTEIN: 3.1g  |  CARBS: 23.8g  |  FIBER: 0.5g
Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Buttermilk Rusks Calories