Brunch Recipes (Most Popular)
omitted oil, reduced egg, omitted sugar for Splenda, no berries (I forgot those)
Flavorful, colorful salad dish that can serve as a main course.
Crumpets are perfect for breakfast or a quick snack. You can place pretty much anything on top of them
This is a great side dish to serve instead of potatoes or rice. It has just enough kick to keep it really tasty.
This is a great alternative to dry wheat pastas. I find it is not as grainy as some of the dry whole wheat pastas.
These are a healthy low fat, whole grain way to start the day. Freeze extras for a quick, nutritious weekday breakfast.
This is a modified/healthy version of my grandmother's holiday fruit salad. She made it every year and used heavy whipping cream and sweet slaw dressing. I adapted it this year with greek yogurt and coconut milk.