Italian Recipes (Most Popular)
To bypass the premade sodium levels using all fresh ingredients makes for a healthier meal.
Quick lasanga style dinner. Tastes great, family loves it, portion control may be difficult. This is what I made and ate, it could be less calories by using cooking spray for sautee, non fat ricotta, and little or no cheese topping.
This actually goes with boneless, skinless chicken breast-browned in 1tbsp of extra virgin olive oil, but this is just the sauce.
I didn't add the nutrition for the chicken since all breast pieces are different in weight. You could cut the chicken into 1 inch cubes and brown it, then have a more balanced split for the meal.
Chicken Ceasar Pizza rolled up into a delicious spiral- use a store bought pizza dough to roll out or find a better, healthier dough on this site to cut calories.
you can add a package of frozen, chopped spinach to the meatballs (I didn't have any on hand) to give them a different taste.
BR>Ingredients list has slight modification - groceries come from Stop & Shop.
I used to make these very amazing, but very fattening meatballs...then I came up with this healthier version and they taste even better!
My family's spaghetti sauce recipe included such things as prepared sauce and seasoning packets with MSG, so I decided to try and recreate it using mostly fresh ingredients. This is the result! It tastes exactly the same, to my delight, and now I can pass the recipe down to my children without fear.
so i was low on protein and carbs for the day and came up with this with the stuff i had in the pantry...turned out pretty tasty
Healthy whole wheat crust! Make one large pizza with thicker crust or divide into thirds for personal size cracker thin crispy crust pizza!