Dessert Recipes (Most Popular)

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Janet's Chocolate Chip Cookies

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Janet's Chocolate Chip Cookies

Bake at 375 degrees between 9 and 14 minutes

Quick and Easy Pineapple Angel Food Cake

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Quick and Easy Pineapple Angel Food Cake

Only two ingredients for a delicious cake

Gluten Free Chocolate Almond Joy Bars

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Gluten Free Chocolate Almond Joy Bars


My Low Fat & Calorie Fruit Crisp

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
My Low Fat & Calorie Fruit Crisp

Based on 12 servings, 160 calories & 3.7g total fat
Based on 8 servings, 240 calories and 5.6 g total fat
Based on 10 servings, 191 calories and 4.6 g total fat

Spiced Hot Chocolate Mix

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Spiced Hot Chocolate Mix

This mix is meant to gift to multiple people using jars or bags. It makes about 9 cups of mix. However, because the measurements are in three's, it's easy to make smaller amounts.

vanilla icing

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
vanilla icing

Used to drizzle over banana cookies

saltine cracker toffee

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
saltine cracker toffee

delicious and easy big crowd pleaser

Raw Choco- Banana Frozen sweet-treat

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Raw Choco- Banana Frozen sweet-treat "Ice cream"

no dairy, just good!

GF Cream Cheese & Blueberry Coffee Cake

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
GF Cream Cheese & Blueberry Coffee Cake

Gluten free indulgence. I allow myself one serving as a snack, once a day. When I make a whole one, I give half away to a friend who has celiac to reduce my tempation. I often reduce the amount of sugar in my recipes, too, thus reducing the carbs somewhat.

Besan Ladoo

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Besan Ladoo

Crock Pot Candy

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Crock Pot Candy

This is a quick and easy way to make your own candy that tastes better than the stuff you buy at the grocery store.

Mocha Chip Gelato

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Mocha Chip Gelato

Nana's Coca Cola Cake

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Nana's Coca Cola Cake

My grandmother made this when I was a kid... best chocolate cake ever! I just wish it was lower in fat!

Impossible Pumpkin pie

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Impossible Pumpkin pie

Save calories and keep all the taste of pumpkin pie. You won't miss soggy crust either!

Guiltless Kiwi-Strawberry Cake with Strawberries n Creme Topping

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Guiltless Kiwi-Strawberry Cake with Strawberries n Creme Topping

Betcha never thought a taste of heaven could be so, well, guiltless! This moist, tender, and creamy dessert relies on a few "secret" techniques and ingredients in order to achieve the kind of taste and texture ordinarily associated with the use of added fat and sugar in baking.

At just shy of 75 calories per serving (a generous 2" x 2" square, at that!), fat free, sugar free, and with 10% of the RDI of vitamin C (thank you fresh strawberries!), this cake is perfect for those whose sweet tooths would otherwise prevent them from adhering to a calorically-balanced diet.

Note: If you find that you want a bit more rise, or volume, to your cake, you may want to try and use two egg whites instead of one and adjust the amount of soda used accordingly. Negligible calories (1 per serving) will be added.

mock apple turn over

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
mock apple turn over

Triple Chocolate Fudge Cake Cookies

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Triple Chocolate Fudge Cake Cookies

In a bind and need to make a quick batch of cookies... this is a great recipe. NOTE: you can use any cake mix!!!

Yellow Cupcakes

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Yellow Cupcakes

From Cook's Illustrated.

Peanut Butter Cup Crispy Tortilla Dessert

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Peanut Butter Cup Crispy Tortilla Dessert

This is awesome to curb a peanut butter or chocolate craving...It's kind of like a crepe, but crunchy....Try it with banana for an twist.

Garbanzo Bean Brownies

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Garbanzo Bean Brownies

Alternative to baking brownies with flour - adds a little fiber to your diet. Easy to prepare. For variety add raisins or walnuts.

Zesty baked banana

Very Good  4.0/5
(1 rating)
Zesty baked banana

quick desert, lovely served over yogurt or ice cream

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