Kids Side Items Recipes (Most Popular)

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Oatmeal Pancakes

Good  3.9/5
(231 ratings)
Oatmeal Pancakes

A hearty pancake that provides over 6 grams of fiber per serving. I like to add blueberries to the batter. Very kid-friendly recipe!

Light & Healthy Apple Hand Pies

Very Good  4.1/5
(66 ratings)
Light & Healthy Apple Hand Pies

Ditch the toaster pastry. They're loaded with sugar and fat--and not much else. My hand tarts are full of fruit, and if you make them ahead of time your kids can grab them and go.

Kid-Friendly Waffle Kabobs

Very Good  4.2/5
(49 ratings)
Kid-Friendly Waffle Kabobs

Kick off breakfast with these waffles on a stick! Kids will love eating healthy berries when they're presented like this.

Clementine Pumpkins

Very Good  4.5/5
(38 ratings)
Clementine Pumpkins

Give away these cute clementines instead of candy this Halloween!

Creepy Cheesy Eyeballs (Halloween Party Bites)

Very Good  4.2/5
(37 ratings)
Creepy Cheesy Eyeballs (Halloween Party Bites)

Scare your party guests with these cheese wheels turned into eyeballs!

easy whole wheat french bread

Very Good  4.7/5
(25 ratings)
easy whole wheat french bread

I'm not normally a home-made bread person--I don't have the patience! But this recipe always works and is sooo delicious and easy!

Sweet Potato Fries

Very Good  4.6/5
(18 ratings)
Sweet Potato Fries

Orange & Black 'Halloween' Fruit Kabobs

Very Good  4.6/5
(16 ratings)
Orange & Black 'Halloween' Fruit Kabobs

Serve these orange and black kebabs at your next Halloween party. They're a fun way to get kids to eat more fruit, too.

Macaroni and Cheese--Laughing Cow Light

Very Good  4.1/5
(16 ratings)
Macaroni and Cheese--Laughing Cow Light

This is the healthiest I could get this--good fiber from the WW elbows though. There is no macaroni and Cheese in France, so this is what I make when I have a taste for it.

Witches Brooms

Very Good  4.7/5
(15 ratings)
Witches Brooms

This fun snack will be a hit at your kids' Halloween party!

Strawberry topping

Very Good  4.8/5
(13 ratings)
Strawberry topping

Use on pancakes, waffles, toast, or whatever you like. Makes a nice sweet topping in place of syrups. Plus under 40 calories per serving....My little ones say it looks just like ketchup!

low fat crepe

Very Good  4.2/5
(13 ratings)
low fat crepe

low-fat, whole wheat

Perfect Pizza Crust or Bread Sticks

Very Good  4.7/5
(12 ratings)
Perfect Pizza Crust or Bread Sticks

Great for kids to help in kitchen

Brown Sugar, Flax & Oatmeal Pancakes

Very Good  4.4/5
(8 ratings)
Brown Sugar, Flax & Oatmeal Pancakes

A Change up to your typical pancakes! These pancakes will keep you full longer and are full of things that are good for you!!!!

Oven French Fries

Very Good  4.4/5
(5 ratings)
Oven French Fries

Make your own french fries at home in the oven.

Baked Macaroni & Cheese with bacon and tomatoes

Very Good  4.0/5
(4 ratings)
Baked Macaroni & Cheese with bacon and tomatoes

This recipe is adapted from a basic version from

Low Fat Mac N Cheese

Good  3.8/5
(4 ratings)
Low Fat Mac N Cheese

Healtyh alternative to a favourite!

Whole Wheat

Very Good  4.7/5
(3 ratings)
Whole Wheat "Buttermilk" Pancakes

This healthier version of traditional buttermilk pancakes was a hit with my kids. I substituted whole wheat flour for white flour and nonfat milk and vinegar for buttermilk, making these pancakes lower in fat and higher in fiber.

Edible Play Dough

Very Good  4.7/5
(3 ratings)
Edible Play Dough

If your kids happen to eat some of this play dough, it isn't toxic!

Kid's Favorite ParmiePasta

Very Good  4.7/5
(3 ratings)
Kid's Favorite ParmiePasta

Really basic and better for you than mac n cheese from a box. Makes 12 big servings. I like to add in whatever veggies I have on hand. They tend to pick them out but at least I tried!

Easy Homemade Ranch Dressing - 1 cup (16 TB)

Very Good  4.7/5
(3 ratings)
Easy Homemade Ranch Dressing - 1 cup (16 TB)

Don't buy ranch dressing! You won't believe how easy this is.... you (or your kids) can make homemade ranch dressing in a flash... no MSG, no preservatives, and NO carbs!

Whole Wheat Banana Chocolate Chip Pancakes

Very Good  4.3/5
(3 ratings)
Whole Wheat Banana Chocolate Chip Pancakes

Pancakes the whole family can enjoy. I use chocolate chips instead of syrup and a some ground flax for fiber.

America's Favourite Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Good  3.0/5
(3 ratings)
America's Favourite Grilled Cheese Sandwich

This is my children's favourite. I got this from Kraft food

strawberry shake

Bad  1.7/5
(3 ratings)
strawberry shake

tasty and good energy booster

Whole Wheat walnut bread

Incredible!  5.0/5
(2 ratings)
Whole Wheat walnut bread

This whole wheat bread is so good you'll want to bake a loaf every day.

Strawberry Quick Jam

Very Good  4.5/5
(2 ratings)
Strawberry Quick Jam

This is the quickest jam recipe ever! 10 minutes and you have oohh gooey delicious jam!! This makes about 1 1/4 cups of strawberry pleasure! It tastes so sweet and is so good in yogurt and oatmeal too!! Try it on waffles.

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