Soup Recipes (Most Popular)

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Asparagus Soup

Very Good  4.3/5
(4 ratings)
Asparagus Soup

This is a refleshing and creamy cold soup. It is very easy and packed with vitamins.


Very Good  4.3/5
(4 ratings)


Lentil Lemon Soup

Very Good  4.3/5
(4 ratings)
Lentil Lemon Soup

Dad's Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

Very Good  4.3/5
(4 ratings)
Dad's Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

My father used to make this when I was sick, it was the best chicken soup I have ever had. A little high on sodium so usually I substitute for the low sodium broth. Another alternative for this soup is using wheat flour to make the noodles instead of white flour.

Cream of Broccoli Soup

Very Good  4.3/5
(4 ratings)
Cream of Broccoli Soup

I modified a recipe I found on to make it lower in sodium and fat. My husband loves it as do I :) He adds some freshly grated Parmesan cheese whereas I like it as is.

Vegetable Soup P90X style

Very Good  4.3/5
(4 ratings)
Vegetable Soup P90X style

So, hubby is doing the P90X workout, and the family is trying some of the recipes in the nutrition plan. This soup is AWESOME, and I can eat as much as I want!!!

Jen's Lentil Soup

Very Good  4.3/5
(4 ratings)
Jen's Lentil Soup

Full of fiber and protein, a great way to add vegetables to your day!

Mexican Minestrone

Very Good  4.3/5
(4 ratings)
Mexican Minestrone

A little more zip than the original

Hearty Italian Soup with Tortellini

Very Good  4.3/5
(4 ratings)
Hearty Italian Soup with Tortellini

A lower fat version of a family favorite - makes enough for a large family gathering!

Roasted Butternut Squash Soup

Very Good  4.3/5
(4 ratings)
Roasted Butternut Squash Soup

A good low calorie yet hearty soup.

Spicy Potato Soup

Very Good  4.3/5
(4 ratings)
Spicy Potato Soup

Rich and Spicy Butternut Squash soup

Very Good  4.3/5
(4 ratings)
Rich and Spicy Butternut Squash soup

Serve with a dollop of sour cream and sprinkle on some cayenne for an extra kick (but don't forget to adjust the calories for the sour cream) I didn't use it when I made it so it's just a suggestion!

Fast Fix Gaspacho

Very Good  4.3/5
(4 ratings)
Fast Fix Gaspacho

I read this recipe in Family Circle Magazine and have tweeked it a bit. It is a fabulous way to get in daily veggie servings.

Mrs. Brenda's Lima Bean Soup

Very Good  4.3/5
(4 ratings)
Mrs. Brenda's Lima Bean Soup

A delicious, creamy soup that's satisfying and healthy. This recipe is from my sister's mother-in-law.

Chicken Minestrone with Homemade Broth

Very Good  4.3/5
(4 ratings)
Chicken Minestrone with Homemade Broth

When a recipe calls for boneless, skinless chicken, save money by buying a whole chicken and de-boning it yourself. Then save even more money and increase the nutritional content of your soups by saving your chicken bones in the freezer to make your own broth.

Ratatouille Soup

Very Good  4.0/5
(4 ratings)
Ratatouille Soup

This is a pressure cooker recipe.

Cauliflower, Spinach and Zucchini Soup

Very Good  4.0/5
(4 ratings)
Cauliflower, Spinach and Zucchini Soup

A delicious way to incorporate tons of veggies into a creamy soup.

Butternut Squash, Pumpkin & Carrot Soup

Very Good  4.0/5
(4 ratings)
Butternut Squash, Pumpkin & Carrot Soup

Butternut Squash, Pumpkin & Carrot Soup, only 80 calories per serving.

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