Dinner Recipes (Most Popular)
Straw and Hay Alfredo with Roasted Asparagus
This is from Cooking Light. They list their calories as: 296,Fat = 11.4/ Carbs 34. {rotein=14.5; Fiber=3.7
Chicken Alfredo
A healthier version of a family favorite. Serve over spaghetti squash, brown rice, or whole wheat pasta for a guiltless meal.
Salmon with Mustard Crust and Sauteed Spinach
From doctoroz.com Calories according to Dr. Oz:
8.3 g fat, 242 calories, 27 g protein, 10 g carbs,65 mgm cholesterol, 3g fiber 849 sodium
Grilled Chicken Thighs with Roasted Grape Tomatoes
from Cooking Light
Cooking Light Calories are: 194, Fat 7.8 g Protein: 25.9