Side Dish Recipes (Most Popular)
This starts as 16 cups of veggies in the pot - so split it into 8 servings and they net 2 cups of veggies each!
If you never had spaghetti squash, you are in for a treat! It looks like a really large yellow squash, and when it’s raw, it looks like pumpkin. It has the thick skin and gooey inside with seeds. But, if you bake it, the flesh can be pulled apart into spaghetti-like strands. It’s a little crunchier than pasta and there's a variety of ways to make this dish!
This is a nice Mediterranean style dish of vegetables with chickpeas and feta cheese. I like to eat it with fresh spinach, while my husband prefers to eat it with pasta.
For variety, you can also add some different vegetables such as tomatoes and peppers to the dish. Fresh herbs instead of dried can also enhance the taste.
Fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, green peppers and anything else.... add Italian dressing, Feta cheese and enjoy
This is one of the healthiest recipes I know of. Just look at the full nutritional info!
For this recipe I add whatever fresh herbs I can fiind at the farmers' market:
If I'm lucky it's sorrel, stinging nettle, tordylium apulum, and scandix pecten-veneris, from specialized suppliers.
If I go to the store I buy plainer herbs like parsley, dill, arugula and fennel leaves.
The herbs add more nutrition, but I haven't added them to the calculation.
We use it as a side dish, but it's filling enough to serve as a vegetarian main dish.
Please visit
mmer-vegetable-tian-660-recipe-110.html for the recipe