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Rhubarb Pie with Whole Wheat Crust
Looking for a way to have my cake and eat it to, or in this case pie. May not be the healthiest out there but am only using a top crust and have cut some of the sugar out. You could probably cut the sugar down to half a cup, if you like the tart flavor. I'm not a fan of it and was afraid that without strawberries that this pie would be tart and was pleasantly surprised, it's not tart at all!
Next time I make pie crust, I am going to start cutting back the butter to see how it turn out, that is really where all the calories and fat lay.
CALORIES: 254.8 |
FAT: 11.8g |
PROTEIN: 3.1g |
CARBS: 36.6g |
FIBER: 2.1g