A delicious low calorie BBQ pizza! Yes, you can eat the WHOLE thing for under 400 calories!
Yummy asparagus baked with Parmesan and olive oil!
A creamy, fibre-filled salad
Escape to the Caribbean the clean-eating way with this Cuban-inspired salad combining fresh vegetables, spices, rice, and beans
This is a placeholder to get nutrition information from a typical all-veggie mixed salad (dressing is omitted)
These are yummy, kids love them, and are easy to heat and take in the car when you are running out the door. Great for snacks and dinner.
Yummy and easy to make.
A perfect starter for your lunch and dinner, very healthy and delicious
I love this salad at Applebee's. I knew I had to find a way to make it better for you. This is does not have as much of a kick but is almost half the fat and calories.
Bake at 400 degrees F.Spray a 9x13 cake pan with non-stick cooking spray.This is a filling and satisfying dish.
Low in fat
Quick, easy and delicious. Try something new and be amazed!
Clean Eating at it's Best!
Adapted from Quick & Healthy Low-Fat, Carb Conscious CookingPopular with all ages. Prepare walnuts ahead of time, preparing a large quantity for the future. The seeming large quantity of fat per serving is "healthy" fat from walnuts.
Delicious alternative to full-fat fried chicken
Serve on a bun or eat as is!
A quick, easy & flavorful dish! Just add your choice of vegetable or salad for a complete meal!
Crispy even if it is ovenfried!
so yummy
Filling and not too high in Calories!
adapted f/ How to Cook Everything Vegetarian by M. Bittman
Fat free mayo and BBQ sauce make this a great sandwich filling!
The easiest egg salad (or deviled eggs) you will ever make.
Tuna Salad Sandwich filling
This is very good , low calorie and low sodium. Great on salads or to use with baked chips for a low calorie snack.